Aumund & Beumer are leading Bucket Elevator suppliers who buys steelcord belts from belt manufacturers & we can offer a replacement to the same without having to make any changes.
The C-FLEX belt for bucket elevators is a steel carcass rubber covered elevator belt constructed with special quality, low elongation yet high elasticity steel cords in the length and cross rigid cables in the width. Their construction and characteristics differ from those of traditional steel cable belts.

They are destined for heavy duty industrial applications with long centre distances, requiring stable running and reliable belts with high safety factor.
C-FLEX Elevator Belts consist of a steel carcass in a solid rubber mass that cannot delaminate. The built-in elasticity allows running over slightly crowned pulleys while the cross rigid weft construction results in excellent straight tracking characteristics.
The C-FLEX Elevator Belt program offers a choice of very high abrasion resistant rubber covers or excellent high-heat resistant qualities.
Fields of Application
- >cement factories
- >fly ash elevators in power plants
- >fertilizer plants
- >foundries
- >concrete mixing plants
- >glass factories
- >grain elevators in port silos
C-FLEX belts are available in four different qualities :
- >Type T60, a high abrasion resistant quality on SBR basis
- >Type T100, a heat resistant quality on modified SBR basis
- >Type T130, a high-heat resistance quality on EPDM basis
- >Type CR, an oil resistant quality on Neoprene basis.
Cover thickness on pulley face and bucket face as per customer specification or standard arrangement.
Type T100 and T130 are destined for use in ambient temperatures of respectively 100°C and 130°C maximum with short duration peak temperatures of respectively 100°C and 150°C.
Type T130 is successfully in use in various plants handling product with temperatures up to 165°C. Although the belt life in such operational conditions is shorter than achieved at the recommended maximum temperature of 130°C, the life in these conditions is still very acceptable and the belts give a satisfactory economic life. The deciding factor is the reigning ambient temperature inside the elevator casing.
Manufacturing Norms
All belt types are manufactured in accordance with DIN 22102 and ISO norms.
Belt Qualities
Type T60 | Highly abrasion resistant max. ambient temp.60°C cover hardness 60°A shore |
Type T100 | Highly abrasion resistant max. ambient temp. up to 100°C continuous, short peaks 110°C cover hardness 64°A shore |
Type T130 | Good abrasion resistant max. ambient temp. up to 130°C continuous, short peaks 150°C cover hardness 66°A shore |
Type CR | Oil and fat resistant anti-static ISO 284 flame retardant ISO 340 cover hardness 70°A shore |
For high temperature applications consult our
technical department.